Claire 727

Claire 727's gallery/Wall photo Gallery
  • Pilgrim deaths in Mecca put spotlight on underworld hajj industry. More than 1,300 people died, and a Saudi official said most of them were not registered for the pilgrimage. That left them with little protection from the heat.

  • A synthetic drug ravages youth in Sierra Leone. There’s little help, and some people are chained

  • Iran’s supreme leader and representatives of allied militia groups prayed over the coffins of the country’s late president, foreign minister and other officials killed in a helicopter crash earlier this week.

  • 7 years after Weinstein, commission finds cultural shift in Hollywood but less accountability. A new survey of the entertainment industry finds that the culture of Hollywood has shifted in the years since the downfall of Harvey Weinstein and the launch of the #MeToo movement, but many still don’t trust that sexual harassers will be held accountable.

  • Weight loss drugs cost $1,000 a month but less than $25 to make. Why do we pay so much?

  • News! What’s happenned to royal family? Palace says Kate hospitalized for abdominal surgery, King Charles III to have prostate treatment
    Kensington Palace says the Princess of Wales has been hospitalized after undergoing planned abdominal surgery and will remain at The London Clinic for up to two weeks.
    Best wishes Kate and King Charles lll!