
  • youviralart ha pubblicato un aggiornamento nel gruppo Logo del gruppo di Locarno FestivalLocarno Festival 1 anno, 9 mesi fa

    Wall of Fame – Day 5

    A very rich red carpet on the fifth Festival night: actor Giovanni Venturini; singer and Outlyer founder Emmanuel Kelly; Jeff Rutherford, director of the Cineasti del presente entry A Perfect Day for Caribou; the cast of Concorso internazionale entry Il Pataffio, that is to say Lino Musella, Viviana Cangiano, Valerio Mastandrea and Giorgio Tirabassi, alongside director Francesco Lagi and composer Stefano Bollani; and the Piazza Grande stars Luigi Lo Cascio and Alessandro Borghi, with the entire cast of Michele Vannucci’s Delta. What a night, even in the rain!
