Brian Babin

Brian Babin's gallery/Wall photo Gallery
  • Rep. Brian Babin
    Fifty-five years ago, we achieved one of the greatest feats in history – landing humans on the lunar surface.
    To this day, America is the only nation to do it – and we did it five more times.
    “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.” – Neil Armstrong

  • The fact that Hunter Biden is listening in on meetings and advising his father on literally anything doesn’t exactly boost confidence in this administration.
    With his track record, Hunter shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House.

  • Rep. Brian Babin
    Huge decision by the U.S. Supreme Court!
    I pray this allows J6 prisoners to get a fair shake and maybe even their freedom.

  • Rep. Brian Babin

    “A growing number of retired Americans are considering returning to work…”
    Biden’s economic plan: force Americans – who spent their entire lives working – out of retirement, then claim them as “new jobs” to bolster his phony jobs report.

  • Rep. Brian Babin
    “…there were more gotaways in FY21-23 (1.6 million) than the decade of FY 2010 and FY 2020 (1.4 million)…”
    Joe Biden has spent his presidency deliberately opening America’s borders to threats from around the w…[Leggi tutto]