Donald Trump friends

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 4 mesi, 4 settimane fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Haley got trounced last night, losing the Great State of Michigan by over 42 Points. Looking forward to Super Tuesday where she is doing even worse, if that’s possible. I’m leading every State by over 60 Points! People don’t like her, and they know, as per the polls, that she can’t beat Biden, or any Democrat!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 4 mesi, 4 settimane fa

    Donald J. Trump

    The fact that Fani Willis and “Lover” Wade unquestionably started their relationship BEFORE the beginning of their FAKE case that was brought against me and many others, would unequivocally mean, according to virtually all legal experts and scholars, THAT THIS CASE IS OVER!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 4 mesi, 4 settimane fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Laken Riley was a spectacular young woman whose life was taken from us, and her great family, by a savage monster who should not have been in our Country. We must rid ourselves of this ridiculous Open Border, right now. My heart, and the heart of Melania, goes out to Laken’s family and friends. God Bless you all!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 4 mesi, 4 settimane fa

    Donald J. Trump


  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Lee Finley is running for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals against Judge Michelle Slaughter, who stripped the authority to prosecute Election Fraud from Texas’ Great Attorney General Ken Paxton. As a Judge, Lee will Fight to Secure our Elections, Hold Criminals Accountable, and Protect and Defend our C…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Gina Parker is running for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals against Judge Barbara Parker Hervey, who stripped the authority to prosecute Election Fraud from Texas’ Great Attorney General Ken Paxton. As a Judge, Gina will Strongly Uphold the Constitution, Champion Voters’ Rights, and Protect and Defend our und…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    David Schenck is running for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals against Judge Sharon Keller, who stripped the authority to prosecute Election Fraud from Texas’ Great Attorney General Ken Paxton. As a Judge, David will Uphold the Rule of Law, Champion Voters’ Rights, and Protect and Defend our Sacred Con…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Barry Wernick is running for Texas State House District 108 against RINO Morgan Meyer, who voted to Impeach Texas’ Great Attorney General, Ken Paxton. In the State Legislature, Barry will fight hard to Cut your Taxes, Grow the Economy, Champion Texas Values, Advocate for Parental Rights, and Protect and Defend o…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Joanne Shofner is running in Texas State House District 11. As a State Representative, Joanne will fight to Secure the Border, Protect our Children, Cut your Taxes, Champion Election Integrity, and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. Joanne Shofner has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    State Representative John Smithee is a tremendous fighter for Texas State House District 86. John is fighting to Grow the Economy, Ensure Election Integrity, Champion Texas Values, Support our Veterans, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. John Smithee has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    State Representative John Smithee is a tremendous fighter for Texas State House District 86. John is fighting to Grow the Economy, Ensure Election Integrity, Champion Texas Values, Support our Veterans, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. John Smithee has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    State Representative Gary Gates is an incredible advocate for Texas State House District 28. A Small Business Owner, Gary is working hard to Protect Taxpayers, Support our Schools, Secure the Border, Champion Religious Liberty, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. Gary Gates has my Complete…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    State Representative Steve Toth is doing a fantastic job representing Texas State House District 15. A Small Business Owner and an Ordained Minister, Steve is fighting tirelessly to Secure our Elections, Grow the Economy, Eliminate Needless Regulations, Strengthen the Border, Support our Great Military/Veterans,…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Hillary Hickland is running for Texas State House District 55. As a State Representative, Hillary will work hard to Secure the Border, Cut your Taxes, Advocate for Parental Rights, Uphold the Rule of Law, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. Hillary Hickland has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Don McLaughlin is running for Texas State House District 80. The former Mayor of Uvalde, Don will be a fantastic State Representative. He will work hard to Grow the Economy, Secure the Border, Lower Taxes, and Champion Texas Values. Don McLaughlin has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Caroline Fairly is running for Texas State House District 87. As a State Representative, Caroline will Strongly Uphold the Constitution, Secure the Border, Champion Parental Rights, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. Caroline Fairly has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Brent Money is running for Texas State House District 2. In the State Legislature, Brent will Secure the Border, Champion Election Integrity, Cut your Taxes, Advocate for Parental Rights, Uphold the Rule of Law, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. Brent Money has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Stormy Bradley is running for Texas State House District 72 against RINO Drew Darby, who voted to Impeach Texas’ Great Attorney General, Ken Paxton. As a State Representative, Stormy will fight to Secure the Border, Support the American Oil Industry, Champion School Choice, and Protect and Defend our under siege S…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Janis Holt is running for Texas State House District 18 against RINO Ernest Bailes, who voted to Impeach Texas’ Great Attorney General, Ken Paxton. As a State Representative, Janis will help us Secure the Border, Champion Parental Rights, Protect the Second Amendment, and Stand Up to the Woke Mob destroying our C…[Leggi tutto]

  • Donald Trump friends ha inviato un aggiornamento 5 mesi fa

    Donald J. Trump

    Wes Virdell is running for Texas State House District 53. Wes fought for Texas’ Great Attorney General, Ken Paxton, and, as a State Representative, he will work hard to Secure the Border, Advocate for Election Integrity, Champion Parental Rights, and Protect and Defend our under siege Second Amendment. Wes V…[Leggi tutto]

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