Roberto Leoni


Nome e cognome

Roberto Leoni

cosa faccio



regista, sceneggiatore

curriculum - c.v.

Roberto Leoni was born in Rome and studied classics. While still a student at La Sapienza University in Rome, he was awarded a grant by the C.U.T. (University Theatrical Center) and his collections of poems and short stories were published. An important producer made one of his short stories into a film, Eat it. His collection of poems won the Culture Award from the Italian Presidency of Ministries. After serving as first AD for directors like Tonino Valerii and Luciano Salce, Roberto Leoni has written and directed a number of feature and short films. His last short film just ready is A Heart in the Drawer under the auspices of Amnesty International Italy against femicide. His last feature film in post-production is De Serpentis Munere – The Serpent’s  Gift. (Imdb)


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